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来る12/14にMAVERICK DC GROUPより新曲「VIRUS」の世界配信が各種ストリーミングサービスで始まります!

エンジニアにUniversal Music Group, Warner Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment等のアーティスト(Christina Grimmie, Drake Bell, Pia Toscano)を手掛けたSeth Munsonを迎え、As Allianceの世界観を踏襲しつつ、ヘヴィかつ世界基準の音源が完成!


由MAVERICK DC GROUP於12/14發行的新曲「VIRUS」即將在全球各串流音樂平台上架! 音源製作迎來了親手為環球音樂集團、華納音樂集團、索尼音樂娛樂等旗下藝人(克里斯蒂娜圭密、德瑞克貝爾、皮亞托斯卡諾)製作的Seth Munson,完成了沿襲As Alliance世界觀並激烈的全球性音源! 來LIVE前請一直重覆聽吧!

New track "VIRUS", which will be released by MAVERICK DC GROUP, will be available on different music streaming services on December 14!

The track is engineered by Seth Munson, who has engineered songs from artists from agencies like Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment (such as Christina Grimmie, Drake Bell and Pia Toscano). It has been completed with heavy music in the international standard while following in the world view of As Alliance!

Please listen to it on repeat and come to enjoy their LIVE!

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