2012年、日本武道館からスタートしたイベント「December's children」への出演が決定しました! 多数の国内最注目アーティストが集結し、熱い夜になる事間違いなし!
As Allianceとして久々の東京でのライブ、是非一緒に暴れ倒しましょう!
決定參加由2012年開始首次在日本武道館舉辦的活動「December's children」!
作為As Alliance久違的東京公演,請務必來現場一起衝撞吧!
As Alliance is confirmed to perform at "December's children", which is an event started at budokan in 2012 and being held every year afterward.
The show will gather many high-profile artists in Japan, no doubt it will be an amazing exciting night!
Please come and rock it out together as it has been a long time since the last show As Alliance performed in Tokyo!